Xylitol Toxicity in Dogs

Dog owners know the dangers that foods like chocolategarlic, onions, and grapes pose to their canine companions’ health; foods that are harmless to most people. Another common substance that’s harmless to most humans but potentially life-threatening if consumed by dogs is xylitol—a sugar alcohol that is used as a sugar substitute in many human foods.

There are certain sugar-free gums, candies, toothpastes, mouthwashes, and baked goods which contain xylitol, a 5-carbon sugar alcohol used as a sweetener. When ingested by dogs, xylitol may cause vomiting, loss of coordination, seizures, and in severe cases, liver failure. This naturally-occurring sugar substitute is also available as a granulated powder for cooking and baking.

Preventing Your Dog From Eating Xylitol

Check the ingredient list of all your household products which may contain xylitol (gums,peanut butter, candies, toothpaste, etc.). Place those items containing xylitol in locked cabinets or areas too high for your pet to access. If your dog is extremely persistent about stealing food, it is probably best not to have xylitol in your home.

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