Fourth Of July Fireworks May Frighten Your Pet

We celebrate the birth of our nation with lots of fireworks displays in all our local towns. But it never fails that someone in the neighborhood will light off fireworks while celebrating. At that point, your pet could become nervous not knowing what is going on outside. Severe thunderstorms can have the same frightening effect too.

Here are a few tips to keep the pets calm:
Make sure your dog gets a good deal of exercise that day of firework celebrations.
Make certain your pets are indoors and unable to run away. They should have IDs in the event they do get loose.
Create a soundproof environment in your house well before the fireworks start. Turn on a loud TV or radio, close the windows (with heavier curtains), or stay in a shut-in room.
Some pets will require sedation. A natural remedy is Melatonin or you can try Benedryl to help calm their nerves. Read up before dosing; body weight plays a big part in how much to give your dog.
Try a snug T-Shirt or a Thunder Shirt wrap. These are also easy to do yourself with a scarf.


Cats respond well to a Thunder Shirt or wrap too. During a fireworks show or noisy storm, you may have noticed that your cat either tries to hide somewhere quiet or choose to be closer to you. It’s good to play along with your cat’s preferences. Make sure they have a safe place to hide, preferably in a room with fewer windows to reduce the noise.

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