Kumquat Jam/Spread

By Sharon Merkel Prudhomme ~


  • 3 cups kumquats, chopped
  • 1 ½  cup sugar
  • 1 ½  cup water
  • Optional add-ons:
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • pinch cinnamon
  • pinch cloves
  • pinch crushed red pepper

Cut fruit in half, gently squeeze sides –seeds will pop right out. Save all seeds! They act as natural pectin, however if you’ve got pectin on hand, you can add and use as directed. Place seeds in cheese cloth or you can can use a clean stocking. Put seeds in the toe and cut at about 8 inches. Tie off seeds and hang over in pot. You can tie the end to pot handle – allow to sit in the mixture and water.

Place the kumquats, sugar, water and spices if using in a non-reactive saucepan and for an hour or more.  Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for 30-35 minutes or until the liquid has reduced and thickened (should thicken as it cools).

Pour into hot sterilized canning/jelly jars & tighten lids asap. Allow to cool on counter. For me, the easiest way to chop kumquats after seeds are removed is with a hand chopper found at Pampered Chef or any kitchen supply. A simple pounding of the handle-quick results!

Suggested uses: *waffles * pancakes *glaze chicken, pork, turkey, ham or beef  * blend with cream cheese for great cracker/veggie dip


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