Plants are beautiful in and of themselves, but you can also combine them in cool ways with containers. One project to try: potting plants in DIY paint can containers. If you’ve never seen plants in paint cans, you’re in for a treat. Containers made of paint cans are artsy and fun and show off foliage and flowers beautifully. Read on for information on how to get started.
Gardeners are increasingly creative when it comes to displaying their plants in containers in the garden. You may have seen plants growing in old bathtubs, gutters, and even pallets. Why not plants in paint cans? Before you get started on making up DIY paint can containers, you’ll need to gather the equipment. You can recycle empty paint cans after you repaint your kitchen, but it’s also fun to buy empty metal paint cans from the hardware store and decorate them.
Plants in Paint Cans
In order to grow plants in containers made of paint cans, think about drainage. Most plants do not like their roots to sit in water or mud. This is almost inevitable if you use paint cans without poking holes in them since they are actually made to hold paint. But creating drainage holes for paint can planters is easy. Turn the paint can pots upside down on a solid surface. Then use a drill to put a generous amount of well-spaced drainage holes in the bottom of the cans. No drill? Just use a large nail and a hammer. Hint: you may want to do this prior to decorating your paint can. Turn those paint can pots into planters by adding a layer of gravel and potting soil.