When History Comes To Visit

By Tracey Hall ~

Every year around this time, Wall Airport is visited by a fleet of WWII airplanes. Living here, you know they’re around because you can hear them coming miles a way.

The majestic engines that carry these war horses are so loud, I envision what it must of been like during that awful war, hearing them coming and knowing what they were bringing.

The “Wings Of Freedom” tour wraps up today at the Monmouth Jet Center and it was amazing to see how many people came out to see the airplanes. This event was brought in by the Collings Foundation. Their purpose is to organize and support “living history” events and the presentation of historical artifacts and content that enable Americans to learn more about their heritage through direct participation.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to share our history to the younger generations. The kids today were enthralled at the  enormity of the air crafts and with that brings a new perspective on what their great grandparents actually did in war time.

Crawling through the interior and seeing how tight the quarters were, I was amazed at what they could accomplish in such a restricted space. They weren’t called the “Greatest Generation” for nothing!

That’s another reason why I love living here at the Jersey Shore; when history rolls in, take a ride into the past and prepare to be amazed!


Photo credit: Lynda Clark

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