The Gift of Motherhood

By Tracey Hall ~
Today is the day we recognize all that Moms do for their family. As a Mom, I realize I’m also a daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, aunt, and a grandmother.

With so many hats to wear I’m amazed at the limitless amount of love one heart can hold.
I cherish all of these titles, but am most thankful for the gift of being a Mother. Nothing prepares you for the wide array of emotions you feel at every stage of a child’s life. I remember being so mad at something they did and then crying with pride over something else.

A child enables you to FEEL without touch, to SEE with your eyes closed, to HEAR what wasn’t said, to SMELL when something is wrong, to TASTE the sweet and sour, and to LOVE to the moon and back.

My heart is filled with gratitude that I can experience all that motherhood brings and I thank my Mother for loving me.
Happy Mothers Day to all Moms and to all the special women who are like a Mom. Remember:

“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.”
– Rudyard Kipling

Photo credit: “Mother and Child” Gustav Climt (1905)

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