Key Things You’ll Need to Buy a Home

Has it been a while since you purchased a new home?
If you plan to sell your existing home in order to purchase a new one, contact a reputable real estate agent to determine what your home is worth.
Also, check with a Home Loan Expert to confirm the paperwork you’ll need to gather so you can rest easy knowing your new home purchase will go smoothly.
Some of the key documents may include:
  • Proof of income which includes: pay stubs, W2s, and award letters for Social Security, pension, or public assistance.
  • If you’re self-employed or own multiple homes you’ll need tax returns.
  • Proof of down payment.
  • If applicable, divorce decree, settlement paperwork for alimony or child support, and bankruptcy discharge paperwork.
  • A quote for a homeowner’s insurance policy.
Be sure to obtain your pre-qualification and pre-approval before you start on your home purchase journey.
Once the seller has accepted your offer on your new dream home, all you need is a copy of your purchase contract to get your loan application started.

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