Just Us Girls 28th Annual 5K

That nightmare. The diagnosis of Cancer. We are here to help you!
Just Us Girls is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization addressing the holistic
and financial needs of women and men in Monmouth and Ocean Counties who are
dealing with the trauma of breast cancer.

This is the 28th year of our fundraising walk. Each year in October, to coincide with
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Make a Difference Day we hold a 5K which is
our big fundraiser for the year.

Join us on Saturday, October 8th, 9:30 am– Early entry fee $35, day of race $40

It is held at the Sea Girt Army Base. It’s not too late to register, so come out and support us and have fun at the same time. Walk for your mother, sister, grandmother, aunt, friend, brother, father, uncle. Walk for YOU! Yes! Men get breast cancer too and are of course welcome to participate.

After the walk, the Manasquan Elks Lodge #2534 provides us with a delicious buffet at no cost (17 Stockton Lake Blvd.)  Please consider joining us, or making a donation. Remember, we are 100% volunteer which means 100% of monies raised gets distributed to our local community.
Just Us Girls was started by a few women who wanted to channel their energies into a
worthy cause. Each year we have continued to grow. This is the day we come together for a common cause.
Our goals are to:
• ease the lives of those women and men who have been affected by breast cancer
• Non-partially distribute all monies raised through our annual 5K and other event
• Advocate education and sensitivity in dealing with breast cancer
• Encourage the exchange of ideas and information keep pace with current trends in
research and treatment.

Click here to register: https://justusgirls.net/5k-run-walk/

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