There are shining stars among us and this author is one of those. Please meet Vanessa Coppes:
Question 1- When and how did you start writing?
It all started with a diary my mom gave me for my birthday at the age of 7. I was processing my parent’s separation, moving to a new country, starting a new school. Writing was my voice. It became cathartic.
Question 2- What do you like to write about most?
I love writing about other people. Sharing their stories and lessons about life and business. I occasionally write poetry. I haven’t shared them openly yet.
Question 3-What do you find to be the easiest and hardest thing about writing?
The easiest thing about writing is how captivating it can be for me. It takes me to corners of my heart and mind that truly I only know. It’s an escape. I also write like I speak. It’s important for me that wherever my words land, the receiver can connect with me. Humanizing my words has always come very easy to me.
The hardest thing has been learning how to separate my emotions from some of the pieces I write. Being informative, direct, is something I work on still.
Question 4- What writers do you most admire and why?
I have many: Oprah, Brené Brown, Malcolm Gladwell, Simon Sinek, John Maxwell. They all write from past and relatable life experiences and our shared humanity. It’s what I most source from, real stories that help enhance our daily lives.
Question 5- How do you get your ideas for stories and what’s in the future for you in writing?
I am very intuitive and am proud of my personal relationship with my higher power. Almost every idea, story, book I have written has come to me in prayer or a dream. There is intention behind every word I put out whether online or in print, ultimately for it to be of service to others.
Closing – Can you share a memorable experience you’ve had purely because you are a writer?
My interview with Arianna Huffington when she released her book, ‘Thrive’. Turns out after meeting and working with her on the feature for BELLA, I learned we shared a birthday. It was as if the universe had given me a nod that I was on the right career path.