The Holiday season is a time when our diets tend to take a backseat to all the delicious treats available. There is however, good news from the food industry. In 2017, fresh food purchases have increased for all shoppers as we try to include fresh foods into our daily meals. According to Specialty Food News, 76 percent of shoppers visited more than one retailer a week for groceries and 67 percent of those shoppers visited approximately two to three retailers weekly. Fresh food is a top influencer in driving shopper traffic, according to Acosta’s Hot Topic Report, Trip Drivers: Top Influencers Driving Shopper Traffic.
The research revealed that 37 percent of shoppers make multiple trips weekly to ensure their food is fresh. The tendency to make multiple trips or have multiple deliveries of food each week applied to each generation group surveyed, with millennials leading the way at 65 percent, followed by 47 percent of GenXers, 25 percent of Boomers, and 22 percent of Silents.
By category, fruit and deli-prepared foods drive 31 percent and 29 percent of dollar growth, respectively. Busy lifestyles play a role in decisions as well. 37 percent of shoppers report they don’t have time to figure out what to have for dinner and that it’s typically a last-minute decision.
The other top influencers driving shoppers include price and loyalty to a specific brand. 60 percent of shoppers choose where to shop because “some products are priced lower at certain retailers,” and 33 percent shop at more than one retailer because they don’t find all the brands they want at one store.
How does fresh food fit in to your menu? Do you prefer the larger grocery stores or the local shops to get your fresh fix? Please comment below and share your ideas on what you like to buy and where you prefer to shop.Â