By Lynette Barbieri ~
Recently, I was thinking back about some of the sales tips that I learned during the time I was training in the field. I wanted to share one of the biggest sales lesson I ever received with you today. The presentation or even the ultimate sale is never about what you are actually proposing, it’s all about making friends and about getting someone to see the world the way that you do. When that connection happens everything else will fall into place.
Use these 3 simple Tip’s to make Sales simple for you:
- Tell Your Story –Â When you tell your customer your story they engage with you and it can help you connect with them on an emotional level if you tell a compelling story. Involve them in your story so that they are interested in the outcome. What is the reason you do what you do? Why should your customer listen to you? It has to be compelling enough to drive curiosity so that they are willing to sit and listen to what you are proposing. They have to believe what you have will make their lives easier or better in some way.
- Be On Time – I have witnessed multiple times a sales agent that was late to a meeting or appointment and had legitimate reasons, traffic, babysitters etc. The bottom line is it is about them not you, don’t explain why you were late try harder to be on time or let them know how sorry you are that you were late regardless of the circumstances. Have discipline. It shows your customer that their time and needs come first.
- Make It Fun – A sales appointment doesn’t have to be so boring and dry does it? So many sales reps are so dry and boring they think that it shows they are more professional. It actually just makes you potential client bored to death. Be excited, make them laugh, show why you are so passionate about what you are offering. Be authentic and sincere not like a robot.
In the end remember it is all about what your client believes. You could have the best product or service that offers the best solution and you gave the most fabulous presentation. It is always going to be the customer’s perception in the end. They have to believe that what you are proposing is going to make their lives better in some way and that it will be the right solution for them. If you make sure you are following these three tips and remember to engage your customer your sales call will be a success.
For any comments questions or just to say hello contact me HERE