Try The Grasshopper!

By Sharon Merkel Prudhomme ~

“Who would’ve thunk it?” This old-fashioned green and oh so dreamy, creamy adult beverage was almost extinct until recently. Making its comeback the Grasshopper, a sweet minty drink is traditionally sipped as an after-dinner beverage. This green taste treat was originally concocted for a cocktail contest in New York City around 1910 by Philibert Guichet.

His drink took 2nd place and was brought back to New Orleans to Tujague’s. Tujague’s is a bar in the French Quarters which dates back to 1856 and is still in operation today in the Famous French Quarter. Originally owned by Guillaume and Marie Tujague and sold to the Philibert Guichet family in about 1910.

This simple mix of historic liquors offers a low 50 proof beverage perfect for sipping without the bang of “hard stuff.”  Crème de menthe, French for mint cream dates back to the 19th century, while crème de cacao actually dates hundreds of years earlier. Neither contains cream. During the 1950s, the Grasshopper was the “in” thing among drinkers. Hardly seen until recent days as there seems to be a trend in bringing the oldie but goodies back. It is sweet but oh so good! Try one when out or offer this treat to your next dinner guests as an after-dinner “liquid dessert!”


1-1.5 oz. Light cream
1-1.5 oz. Crème de menthe
1-1.5 Crème de cacao

fresh mint leaves-as garnish(optional)

shaved chocolate-as garnish(optional)

Add equal parts of cream and liquors into a cocktail shaker-add ice. Shake well, serve in a martini or fluted glass. Garnish with a fresh mint leaf and/or chocolate shavings. Enjoy!

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