Understanding The Makeup Of Your Energy

Content provided by our partner Troy Teebom, Kūr Wellness Studio ~

One of the tenets of following an Ayurveda lifestyle is the firm belief in making time for ritual and routines to balance yourself in your day-to-day. Both morning and evening are especially potent times to realign with your highest potential through self-care practices. By simply understanding the makeup of your energy, you should work to constantly maintain that balance.

Kūr therapists are here to help with you with yoga or customized dosha-balancing massages and facials.  Or meet with our Ayurvedic Practitioner and discuss your goals, concerns, habits and tendencies including implementing dietary changes. When you align yourself with your specific body type, this will open the door to healthier, happier living!

Book your introductory session today!  Kūr offers more than 100 traditional and Ayurvedic treatments and services in addition to many fitness options. Our services are performed by the absolute best practitioners in our area – each with positive attitudes and true commitments to health.



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