By Tracey Hall ~
Thanksgiving is a day for reflection and offering heartfelt thanks for all that we have. My heart swells with thanks as Jersey Shore Scene hits the one year mark. What began as a tingling somewhere deep in my brain, sprouted to life this time last year and grew up with a hearty base.
Like a proud parent, I delight in seeing the responses and comments “Scene” has gathered in such a short time. It was designed to be a good read, nothing that will assault your senses, rather, leave you feeling your time was well spent.
The past year has taught me alot as well. I became an editor, which I assure you, is no easy task! I became an outlet for nonprofits to spread their stories and help the grow the cause. Jersey Shore Scene became a voice for the shoreline we call home, encouraging beach sweeps and conservation.
“Scene” always promotes small, local business. Being a small business, this website knows the value in promoting one another for mutual success. A local establishment needs to be promoted on a regular basis through advertising and my site needs advertising to continue to promote those businesses! The cycle is ongoing and and I cherish the partnerships I’ve made with my clients during the first year.
The second year is going to be even better! There has been a redesign of my homepage to offer clients more ad space. The newsletter was launched and has doubled in size in just two months! It promises to be a welcome addition to the “In Box.” The quality of content will drive even more readers to Jersey Shore Scene and it’s my resolution to bring in more clients with compelling stories to share.
On this Thanksgiving Day, I wish all my readers, writers, clients, family and friends a wonderful holiday filled with peace and love. Please accept my sincere thanks and gratitude for the support over the past year.
Happy Thanksgiving!