Summer Brain Building Series At Child Care Resources

On August 14th, 6:30 – 8:30, Child Care Resources will be hosting the first “Summer Brain Building Series”  in Neptune. They are encouraging parents to come with their babies and older siblings for a night of information and fun! The topic of the night is “Brain Builders At Work” and they’ll share how parents can improve interactions with their baby by recognizing simple clues. “Serve and Return” is a theme that uses simple tennis terminology meaning when a baby is sending you a “Serve- Pay attention to me” a parent “Returns the serve with eye contact, words or a hug.” This and other brain-building skills are crucial to healthy brain development in a baby.

Child Care Resources and The United Way of Monmouth and Ocean Counties are teaming up with Neighborhood Lit for this series in an effort to strengthen our communities and support families together. The value of their village is that they can share knowledge with parents and caregivers. They need to know what milestones to look for and where to turn to for help if needed.

Join them for a fun night with dinner, conversation, music and play and bring home a brand new library book! Registration is required. Please call or email Mia Reaves at:

732-918-9901, ext 104 or

We want every family to be connected to their community and to other parents. This is how we build our village. This is why we care.

Child Care Resources…Working Within Our Community To Put Children First!

United Way of Monmouth and Ocean Counties…Every child is successful, every family is financially stable, and every community we serve is stronger.

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