See the Seals on a Guided Tour

By Tracey Hall

Cabin fever setting in? Did you know you could take a guided tour in Sandy Hook to see and learn about the seals and waterfowl? The Littoral Society is offering four educational walks on January 20, February 15, 24 and 28. You can observe the seals in their natural habitat and will need to bring along binoculars. The guides are educated and will teach about the history of the park and the wildlife living there.
What is the American Littoral Society?

A non-profit group originated in 1961 to promote the health and well being of our shoreline, the environment and the waterfowl and sea life that call it home.
“Our members are shore stewards.” Their work encompasses educating and empowering conservation and advocacy programs.
By doing this, the Littoral Society educates decision makers about the impact of their decisions on the health of coastal habitats and life connecting them. Conservation work is restorative and regenerative. Community members, businesses and corporations are invited to engage in ‘boot-on-the beach’ programs to clean beaches to restore them to pristine conditions, replant dune grass and rebuild oyster reefs.
From the classroom or in front of a computer, people can become interested in the coast; standing knee deep in sea foam with sand between their toes, people can develop a passion for the coast. It is to this end that they work on many levels, from the halls of Congress, to the classroom, and in caring for the wildlife to achieve a real human connection to all coasts worldwide to make a difference.

This Jersey Shore champion has exciting programs all year long that will get you involved in the health of our home. Check out their website to learn more and sign up with the kids today!

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