Unfortunately, this is a subject I know personally after losing 5 family members to a horrific plane crash almost 40 years ago. You are never ready to see uniformed State Troopers and a Chaplain knock on your door to tell you the most devasting news. You are never ready to face such a tragedy and believe me, it stays with you forever. No one is the same after, no one.
Yesterday, a plane full of young figure skaters collided with a Military helicopter on maneuvers. I see those mothers, the coaches, the soldiers, the crew and pilots as they see the end of their lives. This is not a moment to talk about DEI or whatever trigger word we are focusing on now, especially from our President. The grieving families deserve so much more.
They have much to process and it will take years to settle everything. Unfortunately, their minds will morbidly go to what were their loved ones thinking in those last minutes knowing the end was imminent and surely horrific. I ask you to please remember these are real people, real mothers who held on to their screaming children as that plane went down into the icy river. No one can imagine the pain and the nightmares their families will suffer forever.
In a world where everything is politicized, can we please NOT do that now?