Nature Paddle & Tour On Deal Lake

Nature Paddle & Tour on Deal Lake (Deal Lake Watershed Alliance)
When: Sunday, September 24, 2023 from 9 to 11 AM
Where: Asbury Park Boat Launch near 7-Eleven (1509 Main Street & 7th Ave)
What: Guided paddle tour featuring lake history, fish and wildlife, and an
opportunity to learn about the challenges facing Deal Lake, NJ’s largest coastal lake.
Why: Deal Lake is beautiful, but we need to realize its health is threatened by
climate change and stormwater runoff pollutants. DLWA is working hard to ensure
the future health of the lake for years to come.
How: No cost if you bring your own kayak, canoe, or paddleboard. You can also
rent a kayak for a discounted rate from Paddle Time Kayaks.
For registration information, please email:

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