Littorally Local Sunset Cruise

The American Littoral Society invites you to our Littorally Local Sunset Cruise, the Society’s fundraiser to care for the coast on Friday, September 16 in Atlantic Highlands, NJ!

The fourth annual event will include dockside cocktails and appetizers from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm onboard Teal Cruises; Festiva and then a sunset cruise on Sandy Hook Bay from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm.

Join us in celebrating all the coast has to offer with an amazing auction, delicious dinner, and delectable drinks.
Purchase a ticket, make a donation, or register for the online auction at All donations and proceeds benefit the American Littoral Society. The Society promotes the study and conservation of marine life and habitat, protects the coast from harm, and empowers others to do the same.
Since 1961 we have empowered people to care for the coast through advocacy, conservation, and education. We not only provide a voice for the coast, but also give concerned citizens the knowledge and tools they need to raise their voices with us. When we restore habitat, our objective is not only to restore a dune or rebuild an oyster reef, but also to motivate people to invest sweat equity into a piece of the coast, take ownership and become committed stewards.

Registration link:
Contact Name: Lindsay McNamara
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 848-303-5032

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