Jersey Shore Scene Featured Author: Maria Fontana

October brings transition as we leave the warmth of summer and embrace the coolness of fall. This month’s author has always encouraged and coached us to not only accept the growth in change but to see the light and become the light of our very best selves.
Please meet Maria Fontana:
Question 1- When and how did you start writing?
I started writing at the darkest time in my life while struggling with depression and my healer at that time asked me to journal daily, at first it annoyed me to self-reflect and put on paper what I truly felt it was very uncomfortable, to say the least.
I started writing and could not stop,  a few years later my Intuition tugged at me to share my stories as a book and I did.
Question 2- What do you like to write about most?
Sharing my truth and story knowing it can impact someone who is stuck and struggling with the same things I did, and offering them hope and Light at the end of the tunnel.
Question 3-What do you find to be the easiest and hardest thing about writing? The easiest thing about writing is you can allow your soul to guide your fingers to unleash the brilliance inside you.   Th hardest was the fear of being judged for my truths and story. I had to do a lot of personal growth work on myself to fully feel supported by myself and not need anyone else’s approval.
Question 4- What writers do you most admire and why?
I love Sonia Roman and Louise Hay to name a few, because their writing is for the soul and helped me profoundly in my journey of healing. I am a self-help junkie.
Question 5- How do you get your ideas for stories and what’s in the future for you in writing?
My ideas are my personal stories, I simply share the journey, the struggle and the triumphs and I love sharing the in-between of how I actually fixed the problems because that helps others.
I am listening to my Intuition, when it speaks to me, I will write my next book, my soul knows what needs to be said.
Closing – Can you share a memorable experience you’ve had purely because you are a writer?
Yes! Strangers messaging me, emailing me and sending notes that my books changed their lives. Listen, I was a salon owner who wrote my stories and they hit best sellers, but the best part is that other women found hope and used my story as a catalyst to move on and find their Light too.
To purchase Marias books, please click HERE

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