Ionic Foot Detox

Content provided by our partner Troy Teeboom, Kūr Wellness Studio ~

We are now looking at the final weeks of summer and what better time to treat ourselves to an Ionic Foot Detox session! What exactly is this? An ionic foot detox works by pulling the toxins out of your body through your feet. At Kūr Wellness Studio, The Ionic Foot Detox system ionizes water (splitting them into H+ and OH- ions) sending ions into your body through the 4,000 large pores of the feet. Then the circulatory and lymphatic systems transform these ions throughout the body, neutralizing the oppositely charged toxins in the cells. The body then rids these toxins during and after the treatment.

If you’re curious about the benefits of a foot detox, Kūr Wellness Studio offers 30 minute sessions for $35, or packages with a deep discount. It’s even more fun when you book with a friend! Come enjoy a deep detox and get ready to celebrate the fall season feeling cleansed and refreshed! And if you’re anything like me, you’ll never sleep deeper than the night of your foot detox.

Kūr Wellness Studios provides a full menu of massage, skincare, and waxing services with a unique fitness studio that doubles for yoga classes, private personal training, and bootcamp workshops.

A new and different wellness center located in Asbury Park, Kūr offers more than 100 traditional and Ayurvedic treatments and services, and fitness options. Ouor services are performed by the absolute best practitioners in our area – each with positive attitudes and true commitments to health.


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