In The Middle Of Moms Long Goodbye

Nancy Reagan called it the long goodbye and after just leaving Florida again for the umpteenth time to see Mom, I so understand those words. Where are you Mom? Where is that social butterfly and chef extraordinaire? Where is that woman I learned so much from and relied on? I see parts of you in there, you aren’t all gone yet, but parts of you are. It’s those parts I’m missing now. 

Thank God you can still smile and laugh and hug and cry- we shared all that. But I worried more and watched you more, fearful I would lose you in the store or that you forgot where we were. You did forget where we were and so much more, but I know my time with you means so much. I know you still have that love in you and you still love me so much. So on this Mother’s Day and always, know I love you too Mom, all the parts, especially the missing ones.

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