By Tracey Hall ~
Recently I’ve noticed anxiety building up amongst my friends especially when reading posts on social media. What’s going on? It’s Back to School season and many women are preparing to send their first born to college. A true testament to the skills and love we’ve instilled in our children as they venture off fully detached from our apron springs.
On the other hand, I see young Moms feeling just as anxious as their little ones head off to preschool for the first time. The exact same emotion floods their souls as deeply as the Moms whose kids are off to college. Separation is not something we aspire to, yet we know that we do need to move aside as our children move forward.
What a sight to behold the toddler becoming a preschooler! Off they run to make new friends and see another adult as a parent like figure- their teacher. We marvel at the “beautiful” art projects and new songs our children learn outside the home. At least with preschool, then elementary, middle school and high school, our children end their day back in our nest.
College is a WHOLE different story. We swell with pride on graduation day and look forward to spending the summer with our soon to be adult child. But the clock is ticking and we are deafened by the noise. It’s ringing in our head that this is it- my child is leaving in a few weeks and won’t be home for quite awhile.
Moms, take heart- your child is ready to blossom into the person you know they are meant to be, they just need to do it on their own. The foundation you’ve instilled will not disappear, in fact, it will be something they always have as a beacon of what’s right and what’s wrong when faced with daunting situations. You know how you think that they never listen? Believe me, your voice will be there in their head, ready to guide them and give them a sense of security only a Mom can give.
So grab your tissues and buckle up, life is happening to your children! Just wait until you see the amazing adults they will become- thanks to you Mom (and Dad too).