Host A Solo Beach Cleanup With Surfrider Foundation

Most of our beach cleanups remain suspended due to restrictions on group events and proximity to others. Meanwhile, crowds have returned to many beaches and parks across the country.

Along with these crowds, we’ve seen a resurgence in plastic pollution — especially single-use plastic bags and PPE, including gloves and masks littering some areas.

We need you more than ever before. We’ve adapted our beach cleanup program to adhere to new safety regulations, including physical distancing, and we’d love your help keeping our beaches, parks, waterways, and neighborhoods clean.Surfrider Foundation: Jersey Shore Chapter @SurfriderJSC

Click the link below to learn how you can host a #SoloBeachCleanup and take proactive steps to keep beaches and public spaces clean:…/e…/solo-beach-cleanup-guidelines

*If you do go out in public, including to the beach, we ask that you please wear a mask as needed, practice safe physical distancing, and adhere to ALL health agency and government guidelines*

Article Source:
Photo: @lovebeautyandplanet

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