Hispanic Heritage Month

Bradley Beach Department of Tourism announced today a variety of activities taking place throughout Bradley Beach between September 15 and October 15, 2021 in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month. Latin Band, Xol Azul kicked off Hispanic Heritage Month last weekend with music and dancing. 

A list of free scheduled events include: 

Salsa Lessons: 9/16 and 9/30, 6-7 pm at the 5th Avenue Gazebo 

Latin Jazz Concert with Flying South Latin Jazz: 9/25, 6-8 pm at the 5th Avenue Gazebo Eco Del Sur in Concert: 10/1, 6-8 pm at the 5th Avenue Gazebo 

Bradley Beach is also offering a “Build Your Own Taco Crawl” map to promote Hispanic Businesses in Bradley Beach. You can pick up your map at Borough Hall or get it online at: www.visitbradleybeach.com/tacocrawl 

“We are excited to commemorate National Hispanic Heritage Month and recognize the important contributions of Hispanic owned businesses, musicians and artists in our town and the local area.” says Tourism Director, Amy Hall 

For more information please see these websites: 



Cover Photo: Eco Del Sur playing October 1st

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