By Carol Wilson ~
I find myself chuckling whenever I remember that I am 75 and Bill is 76. I feel like and last remember being in my 40s. How did 75 show up? Bill and I have always committed to staying strong – physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually and financially. To have balance in our life. To have a flow. We’ve always said that Life is a Dance.
We believe that we all are energy. We believe that the words we speak and thoughts we think create our reality. For example, instead of saying “I’ve gotta do xxx today” we choose to say “I get to do xxx today.” We’ve both always been open to personal development. We’ve done Couple Retreats up at Shalom Mountain Retreat and Study Center in Livingston Manor, NY (, Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY, even as far away as Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA. We’ve also done The Landmark Education Forum programs ( We believe that we get to speak and choose our “Possibility” every day: “Who I am is the Possibility of Love, Light and Leadership,” for example.
We are committed to exercise, moving our bodies, getting good sleep, cleansing/ridding our body of toxins and putting good nutrition into our bodies. Bill is an avid reader and has many interests and passions (Gemini). Spirituality, consciousness, and quantum physics are three of his loves. I listen to podcasts and am always in a coaching group.
The Mind/Body connection is an aspect of reality that we share.
I never thought of aging when I was younger. I never thought about how I would be/look/feel as I aged. My parents each passed over in their early 40s, so I never saw them age. I was only 10 when my mother passed over and 12 when my father passed over, so I did not think of such things.
When I was in my late 60s, however, I realized I was not aging very well. Physically, I was getting fluffy and puffy, swollen and bloated, tired and matronly. Not what I wanted. I am forever grateful that a close friend introduced me to a simple, wonderful, healthy lifestyle and that made all the difference for me. My sleep improved, my energy and clarity came back. I became a new woman.
Staying strong, active and healthy has enabled me to stay mentally alert, awake, aware and alive.
Being open to personal development has enabled me to stay open, positive and productive.
Being a professional network marketer has enabled me to connect with new people all of the time.
Being dedicated to service has enabled me to think of sharing with others to help them grow more whole and complete.
I believe in ‘Use It or Lose It.’
I believe in staying strong and healthy, nourished, rested, loved.
I believe in learning and growing.
I believe in sharing and creating a sense of belonging, community and “oneness.”