Father’s Day His Way At True Rest Float Spa

Content provided by Scott DeLorenzo, True Rest Float Spa ~

Still need a gift idea for Father’s Day? How about the gift of relaxation?

True REST® (Reduced Environmental Stimulus Therapy) is a zero-gravity environment that allows the mind and body to completely let go, relax, and reset. Using 1,000 pounds of Epsom Salts, the buoyancy of the water makes floating on water feel like floating on air. By eliminating the forces of gravity pulling on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, you can effortlessly relieve pain, relax, recover, and improve sleep in this unique state.

Stress, tension and pain can be relieved with a floatation session. Dad will experience the greatest relief, and luckily, he’ll learn that floating is a relaxing, fun, and effortless way to do so!True REST_

You can purchase our Father’s Day package of 3 floats for $129 (members for $99) Click here to get this special offer:


Tell Dad that more and more athletes are floating. Steph Curry, Joe Rogan and even Tom Brady incorporate floatation therapy into their regiment because it’s a way to boost their performance, speed up their recovery, disconnect from stress, and relax.

Floating is also linked to a wide range of health benefits. It has been scientifically proven to be a qualified method for reducing stress, depression, anxiety, and can increase optimism and sleep quality. Significant pain reduction has also been reported after using flotation techniques.

Still not intrigued? Read this testimonial from one of our clients from a sister True REST Float Spa: “Ten years of chronic, constant pain and in one hour I finally got relief! Each time I’ve come back my pain levels are lower than the time previous and the relief lasts longer after each float. Every time I come out of the REST Pod my pain levels return to zero or near zero! WOW! Thank you True REST.”


Two Locations:

Town Hall Shoppes of Brick at 990 Cedar Bridge Ave., Suite 13B, Brick

3209 Sunset Ave., Ocean Township


(732) 898-7100

We hope to host you soon!    https://www.truerest.com/locations/brick/     


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