Tracey Hall, Queen of the Jersey Shore Scene, is a community on steroids.
I was blessed to meet Tracey back in 2018 when I launched my movement, SuperGirlls.
(2 l’s, the second L for Love). SuperGirlls was founded to inspire and empower college women to launch. She was the epitome of community…and generously brought me into her world of strong, amazing women. Tracey, “Jersey Proud”, did not hesitate to share her network and truly helped me embrace the potential of this community. I will be forever grateful to her!
Jersey-born and raised, Tracey embraces the community of our incredible Jersey Shore in her work and with the creation of her media empire, The Jersey Shore Scene, which embodies all the best parts about living here and is truly a testament to this glorious part of Jersey we call “the shore”.
We recently highlighted Tracey’s story on my “Boss Up Like a Queen” summit – the ultimate girl power party and online show curating 21 boss babe women who have #bossedup into a new level in their lives. Our mission is to inspire and empower all women who need to #bossup to the next level in their own lives – career, authorship, family, health + wellness, social media, social impact, leadership, relationships, community, and more. Tracey did not disappoint and shared her incredible journey of how she created The Jersey Shore Scene, which merged her life in media with her passion for the shore.
Every time I hear her story I am personally inspired to #bossup and move forward into my own next level – which is to spread the force of female empowerment and influence 1 million women to #bossup. Community is currency, and the truth is that we are stronger together, we rise together.
There is no time like the present to #bossup…especially with 2024 right around the corner. What in your life needs to #bossup….where do you want to uplevel for 2024 and beyond? Now is the time…leverage your community of women. The holiday season is the perfect time to spread the girl’s love and get reconnect with other women who can support you. It’s all about the sisterhood my friends.
Go forth and #bossup. Embrace your community…and then follow this formula:
Conviction, Commitment, and Consistency. Your new mantra for 2024….remember, if you want something different, you have to do something different! Do not take your 2023 self into the new year…instead, #bossup and make this the best year of your life.
Community. Conviction. Commitment. Consistency.
Give yourself an early Christmas gift and believe in yourself. Start today, and join the FREE
SUMMIT with many many free gifts and so much girl power. Come on over, we will shine that crown and inspire your inner queen!
xxoo with boss queen love, Jeanne Marie