John F. Peto Studio Museum
102 Cedar Ave
Island Heights 08732
Save gas as you tour our wonderful state from the comfort of your chair. Experience the famous and not-so-famous people, places, and events of our great little state. Explore our diverse geography: mountains, highlands, rivers, lakes, and seashore. Visit the South, the North, the Central, and little-known places in between. See the many inventions made in New Jersey, including the Band-Aid®, the bar code, and Bubble Wrap®. See the largest clock and flag in the world. Follow George Washington as he crisscrossed our state.
Guest speaker: Linda Barth
Short bio
Linda Barth has been a fan of New Jersey for a long time. A lifelong resident of the Garden State, Linda has written two books on the D&R Canal and three children’s picture books, Bridgetender’s Boy, Hidden New Jersey, and Alice Paul: Champion of Women’s Rights. She has also authored A History of Inventing in New Jersey: From Thomas Edison to the Ice Cream Cone and New Jersey Originals. With her husband she has published The Millstone Valley Through Time and Somerville Through Time. She has also contributed to the Encyclopedia of New Jersey.
Linda Barth spent 45 years in the Bridgewater-Raritan School District, teaching fourth grade and then substituting after retirement. She is the executive director of the League of Historical Societies of New Jersey and president of the D&R Canal Watch, a friends organization of the D&R Canal State Park.
Additional Information
Contact Phone: 7329294949
Website: https://petomuseum.org/events-exhibitions/?eid=11038