OGLA Epic Book Sale
Ocean Grove Auditorium Pavilion
Pilgrim Pathway
Ocean Grove 07756
The Ocean Grove Ladies Auxiliary is proud to announce our epic book sale, an eagerly awaited Jersey Shore Tradition. Thousands of books, beautifully organized & categorized for your shopping pleasure & ease: fiction, non-fiction, biographies, cookbooks, crafts, holiday, graphic novels, romance, science, history, arts, music, nearly new top seller Summer Reads, collectible/antique/vintage/classic/coffee table books in our Booktique section, children’s, health, self-help, classics, humor,  philosophy, politics, sports, religion, travel . . . Hardcover & paperback, dvds, cds.  All books are $2.00, paperbacks $1.00, Summer Reads $4.00, Booktique priced individually but most are $3.00-8.00.
Please bring sturdy bags & lots of cash (good local checks with ID). Pre-view night, Thursday, Â 5-7:30, is $5.00 admission. Friday & Saturday, free admission. Â Handicapped parking is available with a permit, close to Main Ave. for local eats & treats.
2 blocks to the gorgeous Ocean Grove boardwalk & beautiful Atlantic Ocean or cross the goot bridge & experience all Asbury Park has to offer.
Thursday, 7/7/22, 5:00-7:30; $5.00
Friday, 7/8/22, 10:00-7:00; free
Saturday, 7/9/22, 19:00-2:00; free
Auditorium Pavilion, between Pilgrim Pathway & Central Avenue, in front of yhe Grest Auditorium, foot of Ocean Pathway in Historic Ocean Grove.
All proceeds benefit beautiful Ocean Grove, it’s historic Camp Meeting campus & buildings, plantings & flowers throughout town, the boardwalk & beach, music programs, children’s programs and local organizations.