HQ is 3BR Distillery
7 Main St
Keyport 07735
The Art Society of Keyport (ASK) is sponsoring a summer Arts Walk that spotlights local artists through visual art, music, performance, community, and commerce.
The Arts Walk will commence on Saturday, July 24 from 4- 8 pm and invites participants on a self-guided tour of simultaneous visual art exhibitions, public art, musical performances, and installations displayed at numerous premier locations. The Arts Walk will feature over 70 pieces of original art. Â
Kick-off event and Art Walk HQ is located at 3BR Distillery at 7 Main St. in Keyport, NJ.
For more information on the Arts Walk, featured artists, and future events, follow @artssocietyofkeyport on Instagram or please visit our website www.asknj.org
The Arts Walk is made possible in part by funds from Monmouth Arts, a partner of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
Additional Information
Website: http://www.asknj.org