20th Annual Seaport Craft Show
Huddy Park
The Highlands Business Partnership will host the 20th Annual Seaport Craft Show, Sunday, May 30th, rain or shine from 10 am - 5 pm. Admission is free. Come experience a delightful collection of various handmade crafts from more than 60 crafters and artisans. Live entertainment by Chris Morrisy, from 11 AM - 3 PM.
Shop till you drop for unique gifts, x
art, jewelry and personal items at this Juried Show.
Vendors, please call 732-291-4713 for more information, you can find a vendor application by clicking this link: http://www.highlandsnj.com/.../Seaport%20Craft%20Vendor.pdf
Additional Information
Website: http://www.highlandsnj.com